Friday, December 21, 2018

Diamonds in dirt

A glance out the window brings the past back alive again .
It's cold here now without  your hands to warm .
Baby , i'm sorry for not realising what was wrong .
If I could see signs you are diamond in dirt ,
I'll be in any mess till we discover ourselves .
For a diamond in dirt when clean shows its worth.
I could not tell that you are one .

If I could see signs deep down your cries,
I'll treat you special ,
Turn your tears into smiles.
If you just took time if your heart to me say,
" Baby, I'm sorry for all the things I did .  . I'm sorry for the things I did " .

Diamonds in dirt , so hard to find .
Who can know your worth when you hide so deep in the dark?
Can't see ; you are too small .
Can't touch; you are covered in mad .
should have tried ; I'm covered in guilt.
Should have taken time to know you are diamond in dirt .

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Love for no reason

It's in the air ;
but don't be scared.
How do you know I love you when there is nothing we've been through ?
I've been by your side since you were twenty five .
Your charm , it's blinds me up like the sun .
You are like fire but  I smell your fragrance while others smell smoke .
You are my ice , you preserve each moment of joy in my life .
You are like earthquake ; you shake the fear from me till I have the courage to believe .
There is no reason to 'unlove '
 because there is no reason to love .
 I'll love you for no reason
I mean I'll  always be in love .
How do you know I don't love you when there is nothing we've been through ?
I love you no reason and that is the only clue .

Monday, December 17, 2018

Make me happy

Make me happy,
I want to be...
I have to be...
I'm going to be...
Everybody thinks I am
Do you want me to win an Oscar for faking this happiness?
Or lose prestige for having a weakness?
You are a man
I was told a man could make me happy
What kind of man are you if you can't make you wife happy?

Make me happy
I want to be, I have to be, I order you to make me
I broke hearts for you, I rejected many just because of you.
I did so much wrong just to be with you.
Haven't I been good to you?
Haven't I been loyal to you?
What else do I have to do to be happily married to you?

Make me happy. I want to be. I have to be. I'm going to be
Why do you want the entire world to know I'm sad
when I've already  told everyone that you are the one.
Don't you know my hair must appear still in crisis?
And my smile must be seamless in every storm?
I eat when I;m full and drink when I'm alone.
look at the size of that belly
it cannot be mine either
You'd better make me happy whether you can or you can't
I'm not going back like a fool.

Make me happy. I want to be. I have to be. I'm going to be
We've been keeping appearance for this long.
why can't you just lie to me so we can keep going on?
I know you don't love me
But I'm doing this for them, not me
why do you think I'm never happy in the end>

Friday, December 14, 2018

Why I married you

Memories . Oh sweet memories .
I dream . I see .  I remember .
Mourning showers, daily I cried.
Cruel loneliness, she rained so cold a hole in my life .
 But why ? What kind of pain was coming back to me that I had inflicted on somebody?
If karma wasn't real , then what was the reason for this ?
My grace must  have been exhausted
Making me a laughing stock before karma's law as punishment.
And karma had no mercy .
Neither did she plan on forgiving her culprits.
She was mean till you were mean
She was mean till you learnt her ways
She was heartless
And so was I when I questioned my life,
" I , why never in time to own such a kind?
 A good man to love me who has no wife."
A walk alone in this world is not a dilemma anyone could treasure
Neither is it pain to secure future pleasure.
My heart was done with being broken
And my mind was done with being optimistic.
Something had to give
And after years it finally did .
Though I looked for misery,  I found you.
Though I expected sudden abandonment , there you still stood.
Indeed I was purely blessed, for truly you did .
You rained great love when you came through the gates of my heart .
Your first touch on my hand
Filled me with cure like being healed from a chronic disease.
I was pleased with bliss and looked ready for a kiss.
Because you freed me from the shackles of  loneliness
And I was alive again to witness God's wonders .
I had never fallen this deep in love before
It was like you sparked joy through every vein with my blood when the beauty in your eyes met with mine .
It was the first time seeing someone who called me everything
And my first time hearing anybody actually say this .
There is a secret about love that only a god would know ; and this only God knew
Only God could be blamed if you had mysteriously  known  how I truly felt when your deep voice sunk those words down the walls of my soul .
When will God ever snitch or tell you my truth ?
…or you just don't pray hard enough to know what I kept from you ?
You replaced my tears with a smile
And you didn't know till now , my love .
Time , they say reveals your nature .
After years , hadn't you realised mine ?
Was it one you admired?
or you were just being nice?
This was when I  knew something had gone right after being with you for days
But i also felt something had gone wrong in an indescribable way.
Because you were good to me even when I was bad to you .
Who wants to be treated bad when they treat you right ?
But I thanked God something had gone wrong to make love finally mine.
For I had known myself to be too wrong to be loved this right.
What do you see in me when I'm by your side  ?
I see a man not from sand but  the skies above when I reminisce sometimes
I'd desperately waited till you finally pop the big question  .
We vowed to stay through thick and thin.
Why didn't you tell me about this ?
Why didn't you tell me you didn't have a penis ?

I'd loved to stay  married
But why did you lie to me?
Why did I marry you ?
Why did I marry you?
I prayed for an angle and this is what I earned.


Monday, December 10, 2018

Be Mine














My heart  is yours ; let yours be mine.
What's your insecurity ? Everybody has theirs and so do I .
You think you’re odd
but I like something about you.
You think you
are short ,
 but I don’t mind sleeping with you.
You think you are fat ,
but when I’m starving you’ll could be food.
No matter who you think you are,
I believe something is truly special about you .
So be mine today because I am yours forever .
Be mine and let your insecurities be gone forever .

My heart is yours ; let yours be mine.
What's your insecurity ? Everybody has theirs and so do I .
What makes you think I'll hate a 'you' with no cash even if  I had the 'you ' that I still love?
What makes you think I'll hate a 'you' without your beauty when I loved  the 'you' that resided in your body ?
I don't hate you !
I only hate what you did.
And I've forgiven you because it was all a big mistake .
So be mine today because I am yours forever .
Be mine and let your insecurities be gone forever .

My heart is yours ; let yours be mine.
What's your insecurity ? Everybody has theirs and so do I .

There is something special about you
And it's not what you think.
It's our number when we unite .
One plus one is one no matter the conflict between you and I .
I had your back then and I have your back now.
So be mine today because I am yours forever .
Be mine and let your insecurity be gone forever .
What's your insecurity?
If you love someone ,  don't be afraid to show  how much you care .
We all have our insecurities
But choose to love beyond them instead .

Thursday, December 6, 2018

Remember Who You Use To Be

After all you've done , this can't be you.
Remember who you use to be ; I know you well .
It was your tongue that made me strong .
It was your smile that turned me on.
All you need now is to remember yourself .
Do you remember that quite so well ?
Remember who you use to be; I know you well.
People vividly remember your mistakes and forget  your good.
It's  a shame  you've also forgotten it too.

Remember who you use to be ; I know you well .
No one can put you down but yourself.
How can you look down on yourself and look up to be someone else
When we are all born to be great. Be yourself .

Remember who you use to be ; I know you well.
You were a mother to your children , a good wife to your husband
 A woman who loved her husband sincerely.
Why do you always say ,  " Your life  has been a waste",
When many women admire your courage and hope to be you some day

Remember who you use to be ; I know you well.
Though you move by your senses now
Remember  it was your faith that created wealth
it's believe in who you are that keeps you calm in the storm.

Be calm! 
Be bold . 
Be true . 
That's how I remember you.
 And I know you very well .

Tuesday, December 4, 2018

I can't forget you

I can't forget you.
It is a pity I trusted you
You should be in prison
Because I can't forgive you.
You maybe deaf but you must listen to me.
You maybe far but you must be close this minute.
I thought we were friends.

How could you do this to me? Was it something I did ?
Or something I said ?
You cannot die now.
In my mind, you will always be alive. 

Tell me, is it ever possible for a child to cry for help and find a hero she can trust ?
Would I find a friend who will never break my heart ? 

Definitely not you , an abuser of authority.
Definitely, not you.
Somebody I called family.

You raped me, there was no apologies.You destroyed me, my life is full of misery.  
Your memories fad in the morning and sparkle every evening,
But I must find love again.
My name is Dorothy. And I know, one day, love would be mine again.

The Lady in Rhombus Necklace

Finding your soul mate can seem like a task only possible in another life time , especially if you r heart is broken and there are triggers ...