Friday, December 21, 2018

Diamonds in dirt

A glance out the window brings the past back alive again .
It's cold here now without  your hands to warm .
Baby , i'm sorry for not realising what was wrong .
If I could see signs you are diamond in dirt ,
I'll be in any mess till we discover ourselves .
For a diamond in dirt when clean shows its worth.
I could not tell that you are one .

If I could see signs deep down your cries,
I'll treat you special ,
Turn your tears into smiles.
If you just took time if your heart to me say,
" Baby, I'm sorry for all the things I did .  . I'm sorry for the things I did " .

Diamonds in dirt , so hard to find .
Who can know your worth when you hide so deep in the dark?
Can't see ; you are too small .
Can't touch; you are covered in mad .
should have tried ; I'm covered in guilt.
Should have taken time to know you are diamond in dirt .

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The Lady in Rhombus Necklace

Finding your soul mate can seem like a task only possible in another life time , especially if you r heart is broken and there are triggers ...