Sunday, February 10, 2019

How dare you love me

My school and my teacher,
You should have thought me while I was young.
What a waste of time !
How dare you look so fine and expect me to hate you ?
How dare you smell so good and expect me to forget you ?
How dare you kiss with your heart and expect me not to love you back ?
How dare you love me !
How dare you !
How dare you love me and then 'unlove' me !
How dare you say you do and proof you don't !
How dare you !
How dare you !

Most of my mistakes  you treasure were  un-intentional .
Most of the lies they sell to you are half-truths.
Most of what I do wrong is right because they are for you .

Is it in love or with regret that you do this ?
 Tell me . Teach me how to 'unlove' .
For I'm stuck in love where you are not .
Show me  the way out because I'm lost.

How dare you love me ; just walk out !
How dare you love me and call it something else !
How dare you love me and expect us to be friends ?
How dare you !
You are the enemy I love
And I'm the enemy you must love.
"Love , how are you doing ?
I'm just calling to check up on you, baby" .
 Really ? Revenge is not fire quenched with water .
You opened a door that was always locked .
 You can't just  tell me you are marrying someone else .
 Who would understand?
Who could understand?
How dare you !
How dare you !
I must have been naive.
I must have been lost in your arms;
But remember this
Not every broken glass can be fixed
And not every mistake can be reversed.
Think of love before you pass
Love was once what you had.

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The Lady in Rhombus Necklace

Finding your soul mate can seem like a task only possible in another life time , especially if you r heart is broken and there are triggers ...