Thursday, August 20, 2020

A dream meant to be sung



It begun one morning after her boyfriend insulted her.   

 “Is that what you think I am?” She asked him, surprised.  “If you want to go, I won’t stand in your way. He is always going to be the love of my life whether you accept it or not.

“I see. “Daniel replied. “I can’t believe you want to throw what we’ve built in years just for him.”

“What has to be done has to be done.” She said to him.

“Just listen to yourself. You need to put an end to this madness before it’s too late.”

 “If this is madness, then what is sanity?”  She asked him. “I’m just in love with him. And this is where I want to be.”

“What has gotten into you, Maame Esi?” Daniel asked. “Look at me. It’s me, Daniel. We are suppose to get married.”

 “I care about you.” She said to him. “But this is too important to overlook.”

“Even if you won’t listen to me, at least listen to your parents.”

 “My parents are just like you.” She said to him. “They don’t understand.”

“Who will understand if they know what you intend to do?”

“I don’t care what people think of me.” She answered him. “I’m not doing this because of them. They have to be free from such a life. And I’m the one to do it.”

“How do you know? It was just a dream.”

 “Maybe to you.” She said to him. “What are you going to do now?”

“Either you quit or forget I ever proposed to you.”  Then Daniel slammed the door behind her and disappeared.  

That’s when the sadness hidden in Esi’s eyes showed up on her face. “Why do you want me to lose everything after you’ve given it?” She said, looking at her ceiling as if God was in it.  Then she began to cry.  She knew what will happen after.

“What happened between you and the young man?” Her father asked her in the morning.  

“Father, please.” She begged. “I don’t want to talk about it right now.”

“Do you know how many women pray to God every day for a man like Daniel?”

“But I didn’t ask him to leave.” She said to her father.

“You expect me to believe Daniel walked out on you just like that?”

 “Father, I only told him about my dream.”

“Don’t jeopardize your marriage because of this dream of yours, oh my daughter. I’m your father. You know I want the best for you. Call Daniel and resolve things”.

“How?” She said. “Now he doesn’t even pick my calls.”

“Find him and explain things to him. This is no reason to breakup with your future husband.”

“I’ll give it a try.” Esi replied. “But I’m not changing my mind.”

“Where did I go wrong in raising you?” Her father said, watching her disappointed. “Disappear from me.”

It was on Sunday that same week that she bumped into one of her friends outside the church. The one with cornrow and mostly seen with her. Sheila.

 “Well you found me.” Sheila said when she noticed so much sweat on Esi’s face and neck.  “Today is probably your lucky day.”  

 “I wish it was.”  Esi frowned.

“Trouble with Daniel again?”  

“You can say so. He hasn’t been picking my calls.”  

“Who would if they were in his shoes?”

“What is that supposed to mean? Esi looked shocked hearing this from her friend.  “Are you not on my side?” She asked her, looking away.

“Who was by your side since you went mad?” Sheila faced her asking.

“I know.”  


“When your boyfriend was embarrassed being with you, who stayed?”


“I know.”


“Then why are you asking me as if you’ve forgotten?”    


 “Do you need me to say “stay” before you know I appreciate your friendship?”


“You are lucky I have faith in you. I hope you know what you are doing.”


“God knows what I’m doing.”


“He better not embarrass you.” Sheila said. “Else he’ll have me to deal with.”


Then they both laughed.


 “Wow. Look who is here.”  It was Daniel. He would have abandoned them if Sheila hadn’t seen him.    


 “Hello.” He said to them, smiling. As soon as Esi tried to hug him he stopped her with his finger.


“What is it?”    


“Am I suppose to answer that question?” He said to her.  


He must have been serious when he said she should forget about him. Maybe that is why he was behaving this way.


“But that’s just nonsense.” Sheila said to him. “Esi needs you now more than ever.”


“Is that what you think?” Daniel asked her.


Then a woman with big buttocks and model-like face walked to him. “Baby. It’s time.” She said to him.


“And who is your friend?” Esi asked him, watching the woman.  


“You must be one of his friend.” The woman smiled at Esi, without understanding why she asked that question. “Well are you not going to introduce me?” She asked Daniel.


“That’s Sheila “He said, watching the “don’t you dare talk about me” expression on Sheila’s face.  Then he looked at Esi. “And that’s Esi.”


“I’m Lydia.” The big buttocks said to the girls.


“Lydia is my girl -friend.”


What? His girl-friend? Sheila and Esi exchanged looks.  Is Daniel serious?   


“And we are getting married.” His so called girl -friend added, escalating the situation. 


“Dan, what do you think you are doing?”


“What do you think this is?” He said to Sheila. Then he looked at his new girlfriend “Wait for me in the car.”  


“Don’t keep me waiting” She shook her big buttocks all the way to a Benz parked beside the cars in front of the church and opened it.

“You just want to hurt Esi. Don’t you?”


“I don’t know what you are talking about.” Daniel said to Sheila. “Lydia is the woman I love. Why do you think we are getting married? If Esi wants to waste her time, that’s her decision. I’m not wasting mine.”


“ You are joking, Daniel. Tell me this is a joke.”  


“Do I look like a comedian to you?” He said to Sheila.


“But you barely know that woman.”


“That’s not a problem. “He added. “I believe in love at first sight.” Then he entered his Benz with his girlfriend. “I hope God loves you the way you love him” He said to Esi, and then he drove off.


“Don’t feel bad for yourself.” Sheila said as soon as she saw tears dripping from Esi’s eyes.  “You are not the one making a mistake. Who knows? This could be a sign both of you weren’t meant to be.”


 “So if we have an argument is finding another woman the next thing to do?” Esi could barely speak. She was still crying.


“If a man is fast to find your replacement, how sure are you that he loves you?”


Esi didn’t reply.


“Forget about him.” Sheila added. “There is more fish in the sea.”


Esi’s father wasn’t happy when she told him about the fishes she might see in the sea.  “So you’ve decided to disgrace me.” He said to her with a look of shock.  “You’ve finally decided to disgrace your family. Oh Esi.”


“Father, he was with another woman.” She said. “They are even getting married.”


“And why wouldn’t they?” Her father screamed. “Let this be the last time I see you with those ghetto people. Do you understand?”


“But who is going to lead them in the competition?”


“That is none of your business. Do you understand what I said?”


“Honey, don’t you think you are being too hard on our daughter?” Esi’s mother popped out as soon as she heard him from her room.


“Do you know her engagement is over?”


“That’s impossible.” The woman said to husband. “Both of them love each other.”


“Ask your daughter yourself.”  


“Esi, is it true?”


“I didn’t do anything wrong” She answered her mother.


“But how?”


“Don’t act like you need the gods to explain this too to you?” Esi’s father said still angry.   


“So what do we do now?”


“Maybe that is why you are also here.” The man said to his wife.


 “I know you wouldn’t like this my daughter but I agree with your father this time. Those ghetto friends must go.”


“So doesn’t my dream mean anything to anyone?”


“Dreams are dreams, my daughter but reality will never change for you. God only wants the best for you. And clearly this is not good for you.”


“Fine.” Esi replied. “I’ll tell them it’s over. Isn’t that what you want?”


In a building in Shama, a place many consider a slam, the smell of wee stained the air and the sound of music could be heard coming from one of the room’s inside.  Someone was playing music with a keyboard.  And two ladies who looked high were dancing to it.  

“Peter, won’t your friend show up?” One of the ladies asked the pianists after they were tired of dancing.

“She will.” He answered them, still experimenting with some tunes new to him. 


“Look at the time?”


“Haven’t you been late before?” He asked her. “I said she would come.”

And he was right.  Esi showed up. But not because she wanted to coach them but because she had some bad news for them.   


“You mean no rehearsals today?” Peter asked her when she told them.  


“No. I mean no rehearsal anymore.”


But why? Everyone looked confused. Wasn’t Esi the same person who promised helping them to win a singing competition? Wasn’t she the same person who promised to sponsor them? Wasn’t she the same person who said God delivered her to them in a dream? What were they going to do now that she didn’t want to be part of them?


“What your friend dey talk?” One of the members of choir asked, angry.


 “I think we should speak in private.”  Peter suggested to Esi.


“What private?” One of the ladies asked, also annoyed.


“This is between us. “Peter said to her.  Then he took Esi into a corner. “What did you mean when you said you couldn’t do this anymore?”  


“Does it mean something else?”


 “What am I suppose to tell them now?” Peter asked her.


“That’s none of my business.” She answered him.   


“I thought you believed in us. “ He said. “ I think I know why you are doing this. You think we are lunatics too, don’t you?”


“I never said that.” She replied.


“Then what is this?  One minute God sent you. Another minute he is the same person taking you.  Shouldn’t you be dead before something like this ? Or do you want us to go back to the life you saved us from?


“God forbid” Esi snapped her fingers, saying.  


“ Then why?”


 “I’m so sorry.” She said. Without any explanations or goodbyes, she just disappeared from them. That was cold.  Wasn’t it? 

In the night, she went down on her knees asking God questions. Did I do the right thing? Did he leave because I was wrong? Does he really have a new girl -friend? Or is he just doing this to make me jealous?

A memory of their past together flashed before her. It was her first date with Daniel. She was not even dressed up when she saw him outside her door.  And she had no idea they had a date.


“Why do you have that look on your face?” She remember asking him.  


“What look?” Daniel said.


  “ The look like I’m suppose to know something and you are disappointed.”


“ Why did I even come ?” Daniel sighed .  


“Oh my God , I completely forgot.” Esi said. “How embarrassing! Please come in and make yourself comfortable.”


“How can I when you weren’t expecting me?”


“I was just joking.” She lied. “I knew the reason why you had a frown. I just wanted to see your reaction”




“Of course!” She closed the door behind Daniel as soon as he walked in. When he was seated, she begged for ten minutes to dress up. 


“I thought you said you were aware of our date.”  


“ Let me get you your favorite drink.”  


“Bribing me won’t work this time” Daniel laughed.   


But it did. So why couldn’t he understand me this time? Esi wondered still thinking about Daniel that night. Why Daniel?

 Another memory of him flashed before her. They were in church. Sheila was on her right and Daniel on her left.

“That’s what they do.” The pastor in front of them continued preaching. “They never give to God but they always expect something from him. I have a question for them. But I’m not the one asking. God is. Who do you take him for? It’s always about what you need from him. Who do you take him for? It’s always about what he has to do for you. When would it be his turn?  When? And the sad aspect is those who believe they have nothing to offer him. Sometimes I wonder if we read our bibles. Everyone in this room knows at least somebody who needs what we have. So what does it mean when we say we have nothing to offer? Precious one, today’s message is a simple one. What do you have to give to the lord? What can you do to benefit the body of Christ? God is speaking to someone this very moment. Listen to your inner voice. God wants you to do something for him. Will you be willing to?”

Bem bem! Esi’s received a message on her phone.


“What is it?”   


“It’s a message” Esi answered Daniel.


 “I’m not talking about the sound from your phone “He said. “I saw you when he was preaching. Do you think the preaching is about you?” 


 “Oh you mean the pastor.” Esi laughed.


“Yes. The pastor”


“Isn’t he talking to all of us?” She said to Daniel.  But when she looked around most of the people were fast asleep. Even Sheila. “Well at least to some of us.” She changed her mind.  


“Forgive me “ 


“And what did you do, dear?”  


 “I can’t drop you off today. I need to be on site”


“You won’t be forgiven the next time.” She warned him. In seconds, Daniel was gone.


“Take a look at the choir.” The pastor continued his preaching. “You know what you can do to support the vision of God. Yet you won’t. Tell somebody next to you. I will do something for God.


And I did.  Esi was still thinking about Daniel. So why did you take him, God? Why? Then her eyes closed. She tried opening them again but they closed after.  When she closed her eyes for the third time, she saw herself walking through a dark forest.  Anytime she would pass by a tree in it, it’s leaves would light up. Anytime she would pass by a tree, it’s leaves would light up. Everywhere was light up. Everywhere except one place in forest. When she got there, there were people drinking, smoking and doing all sorts of things in the dark.  When they saw her, they suddenly stopped. Then their faces began to glow just like hers.  After her, they run till they caught her. “Help!” Esi screamed. It was so loud even though she just in a dream. So loud that her mother wake up and rushed into her room.

 “What is it?” She asked her, trembling. “I heard you screaming all the way from my room. What is it this time? What is it?”


Esi was speechless.


“You had that dream once again. Didn’t you?”


“No, mum.” She lied.


“Then what is it? I’m your mother. You can trust me. What is it?”


“It’s the same thing I’ve been telling you, mum.”


“You save some people in the ghetto again?


“Yes, mum.”


“Maybe I was wrong.  God is speaking to you.”


“They were all around me, mum.” Esi continued. “And I was glowing. Everything around was. What does it mean, mum?”


“I have no idea my daughter. Maybe one day you’d be the one explaining this dream to me.”


It must have been the dream. All eyes were on Esi when she sneaked into the office the next day.


“You look fresh this morning?” One of her colleagues approached. “Did you just come from your mother’s womb?”


 “So Ben, when are you going to change?”


“We all can’t be in the church.” Ben said to her. “Isn’t it too small for all of us?”


“No matter how big a church is you will never be in it.”


 “Is that right?”


“I’ve been inviting you for years. All you have to do is to make up your mind”


“Like you did when you decided to groom your ghetto choir?”


 “What? Can you please leave my office now?” Esi opened her door for him. 


 “Why? Did I offend you?”


 “You know how serious I took the audition paper when you gave it to me. How can you say something like that?”


“Fine. I’m sorry.” Daniel said. “That is not why I came. Can I have my documents?”


“Your what?”


“Don’t tell me you left it?”


But that was exactly what Esi did. 


“What do I tell my supervisor now?”


 “You are a clever man.” She said to Ben. “Think of something.”


“You need to stop thinking of those people. It’s affecting your work.”


Esi decided to visit her people after work, but there was no one in the building they usually rehearse in. She knocked and knock until she saw a bare chested man approaching her.

 “What do you want?” The man asked her.


“Is he around?”


“Is who around?”




“So you have the audacity to come here looking for him after lying to him” Another man added his voice.


“I’m surprised.” The bare chested man replied.


“I’m not here to make trouble.” Esi said. “I’m only here to speak to Peter.”


“Look around. Do you see peter.”


“Can you at least let me explain?”


The guys didn’t waste more time. They grabbed her, ripped off her skirt and taught a lesson she was never going to forget.

She found herself in her bathroom after it, with tears dropping from her eyes. Why didn’t she stay away from them like her father said? Why?


When her sister couldn’t sleep because of the noises she was hearing from her room, she entered. “Why are you crying, Esi?”


 “Can’t I have privacy?” Esi asked her, still crying.


 “Are you in some kind of trouble?”


“No!” She replied. 


“I’m not leaving unless you tell me the truth.”


 “Promise me you won’t tell anyone.”   


“I promise.”


 “When I visited the choir today, something terrible happened to me.”


“Why didn’t you call Peter before going?”  

 “He was still upset with me. I just needed to explain things to him, personally. What a big mistake that was. They raped for me it, Adjoa. They raped me.”


“Rape you?”


“Please don’t tell mum or dad.”


“But rape is serious.”


“But you also promised”


“Why did I even do that?” 


Adjoa had no idea Esi has collapsed as she asked her. “Jesus! Esi” She quickly poured water on her sister’s face immediately. “What is this you’ve gotten me into, Esi? What do I do now?”


A day after, luckily Esi was awake. “Did something happened to me?” She asked the first person she saw.


“You collapsed.” Adjoa replied. “That’s why you are in this hospital.”


 “Where is mum?”


“She is outside. With your choir. Do you want to see them?”


They rushed in as soon as Adjoa signaled them. Her mum. Peter. Sheila. Two other friends, Emmanuella and Daniella, and all the other members of the choir she dissolved.

A smile suddenly formed on her face as soon as she saw them. “Wow. This is too much. Peter, you guys shouldn’t have done this.”

“Don’t you like it?”

 “Of course I love it. “She answered Peter. “I just think you guys went through a lot to do this.” She looked at the flowers they brought, the fruits on her tables and the smiles on everyone’s face. “This is too much.”


“Anything for you”

“That reminds me.” She said to peter. “Somebody please put the television on.”


As soon as they saw a presenter with a giant microphone behind her on, they all looked excited.

 “You are watching OTV.” The presenter reminded them. “And we are still talking about the biggest singing competition in the city. We are here with the Alice Dam and he is the brain behind it. Alice, what is praise warriors about?”


“Praise warriors is for any choir who can bring heaven on earth using the power of music. Being the maiden edition, we did not expect so many people. But now that is a problem for us. I’ve seen twenty choirs already. I don’t how many are currently registered”.

 “What is at stake?” The presenter asked Alice.

“A cash prize of $50,000.”

“Wow! For you out there preparing for the competition, you just heard the voice behind the brains. Come in your numbers and praise till heaven sings with you. My name is S-dey. Thank you for watching.”


“We are taking that money.”


“That’s what you said the last time.” Someone reminded Esi as soon as she it. “if it’s just you, count me out.”


“I know the perfect choir director for us.” Daniella confessed.


 “And if it’s singers you need; I can help you.” Emmanuella also added.

“Ben asked me to give you this in support of your project.” Sheila offered Esi an envelope with cash.

 “And here I was thinking all he cared about was work.” Esi laughed.  “What about a place to rehearse?  After getting some people arrested, you know people don’t want me anywhere near peter’s apartment.  Anybody? “


“Talk to pastor Philip.” Sheila suggested. “His auditorium will be perfect for rehearsals.”


Days after, Esi found herself before the pastor.  “It will be wonderful if we could use it” She said to him.


“It’s a difficult thing you are asking from me.”


 “The competition starts next month. And rehearsals have been a headache since we began. Please.”


“What about the director? What did he say about the choir?”


“It wasn’t positive. But we can’t give up now. Too many people are involved.”


 “Just keep an eye on your team when you are rehearsing.”


“Are you serious, pastor Philip?”


“Yes you can have the auditorium as long as you don’t bring in trouble.”


“You won’t regret this.” Esi hugged the pastor.


Days after, Esi was in his auditorium when she heard someone playing her favorite song, how great thou art, in a manner new to her, fascinating and beyond anything she had heard since she started going to church. As soon as he saw her, he paused.

“No” She said to him. “ That was beautiful. Why did you stop?”


“Oh it’s just you.” Peter replied.


“Yes. Where did someone like you, you know, learn to play like that? Amazing.”


“Someone from the ghetto you mean. You can say it. I’m not going to be mad at you. Home wasn’t always the street for me you know.  Church used to be home. When I was young, I use to play for my church. St. Peter’s Anglican church.”


“And what happened?”


“The church was like my real family. I was willing to do everything for it. And everything meant playing for them whenever they need me to. But when I was in need, I realized I was nothing but a tool to them. Nobody bothered to talk to me. Nobody bother to help me. And that was in my darkest hour. What kind of church does that?”



“That was unfortunate.”


“Ever since that happened, church has always been the last thing on my mind.”


It was time to rehearse now. The choir director and his team were in.


“From the top.” The choir director said to the choir, then he signaled Peter to play.


“Then sings my soul my savior lord to thee. How great thou art! How great thou art! Then sings my soul, my savior lord to thee, how great thou art. How great thou art!”


“Amazing.” Esi applauded after hearing them sing.


“Thanks to this man.” The choir raised their director up.


“Can you please put me down?” He begged till he was finally down. “This was your effort and not mine. And if you keep it up, we are bringing more than just the cash home. We are looking at a future together as a choir. Now from the top.”


“Then sings my soul my savior lord to thee. How great thou art! How great thou art! Then sings my soul, my savior lord to thee, how great thou art. How great thou art.”


When Esi went to Sheila’s house the following morning, it wasn’t because she had missed her or something like that. It was because of another dream she had in the night.


“My father won’t understand.” She said to her.” He doesn’t even support my vision for the choir.”


“He will if you tell him.”


“What is the difference between this dream and the one she told him?” Sheila asked Emmanuella.  “They are both crazy dreams. Or would you believe your daughter if she told you she could be having a sibling outside your marriage?”


“Can you tell me what you saw all over again? I’m a little confused.”


“I said I saw my father offering my mother a basket with three eggs in it. My mum took from it and refused the other one. When I asked her why, she said it did not belong to her. What do you think this means?”


“This is why I hate marriages. You get nothing but lies in return. Your father probably had another child elsewhere and your mother doesn’t know. What else could this mean?”


“As for you, Diana, it is difficult understanding your views sometimes. How can you believe in love and not marriage?”


“I’m in love with Ben. Does it mean I have to marry him?”


“Haha.” Emmanuella laughed. “Ben doesn’t even look your way, Diana. It’s like he doesn’t even have eyes when you are around him. Your case is not the same as hers.”


“What do others have that I lack?” She asked them.


“You suddenly fell in love with him because she visited your church.” Esi reminded her, laughing. “And about the dream, I still don’t believe a word any of you said. My father loves my mother. So there must be another explanation to it.”


A lot of people had cued up in front of Bridge hotel days after for a chance to win the cash prize. A lot of people including Peter and his choir.


“Ladies and gentlemen” The presenter said to all. “Welcome to praise warriors. And here we sing till heaven joins us. Our judges look ready and so we will begin. Behind me is the first choir to usher us to heaven.” She moved to closer to the leader of the choir. “Hello.”


“Hi” He replied.


“And which choir are you representing?” She asked him.


“When David sung, even king Saul was healed.” The choir leader answered. “Inspired by this, we decided to call our group the Healing angels.”


“The healing angels?”


“Yes. Healing angels. We are going to praise and heal everybody like David did when we sing in the competition.”


“And the choirs behind us better watch out.”  One the members of his choir warned. “Because we are full of surprises.”


“Aright Healing Choir, the judges are expecting you.”


They walked onto the stage singing. Back stage, Peter and his team were warming up for their turn.

“From the top.” Their choir director instructed.


 “Rock of ages cleft for me. Let me hide myself in thee. Let the water and the blood, from their…”

The choir continued singing until ghetto choir was called.


“Are you doing better than the healing choir or worse?” The presenter asked their choir director.


“We are bringing home the prize.” He replied.


“Welcome.” A judge said as soon as they mounted the stage.  “And who do we have before us?”


“We are the ghetto choir.”


“Ghetto choir. Why that name?”


“Lots of people believe growing in the slum means you have nothing to offer.” The choir director answered. “We are representing those from the slum who are making a difference in their lives.  That’s why we are ghetto choir. “


“I like you guys already.” The judge said. “I just hope I’d love your singing too. Whenever you are ready.”


“Rock of ages cleft for me, let me hide myself in thee.” 

As soon as they were done singing, the judges applauded, stunned. “My goodness, if someone told me the ghetto could sing like that, I would want to be in the ghetto.” One of the them said.

“You guys have beautiful voices.” Another added.  “What did you say the name of the choir was?”


“Ghetto choir.”


“You guys are remarkable. You deserve this.” The judge offered them a green card.


 “So what happen out there?” The presenter asked the ghetto choir when she saw them back stage, jubilating.


“Like I said, we are bringing home the prize.”


“Do you guys have a motto or something like that?”


“Ghetto choir!”


“Representing Jesus in the ghetto.”  


“Ghetto choir.”


“Representing Jesus in the ghetto.”


“Next to the audition is the Lamp of God ministers. Hope to see more of you later.”


When the qualified were done jubilating, and the untalented were tired of mourning, Esi remembered something her mother said to her that morning. She drove off to her father’s house because of it.


“Mother said you wanted to see me. “She said to her father.


“Yes” He said. “It’s about your dream.”


“Father, we qualified.”


“I’m not talking about the dream about the choir.” He said. “I’m talking about your second dream. Your mother told me. Many years ago, there was a woman in my life called Hannah. We had a child but I said she should abort it. So when your mother told me about your dream, I was confused. Maybe she lied to me. Maybe not. But if that child is alive, he or she should be an adult by now.”


“Okay. But now is not the time for that, Dad. I have to go.”


“because you don’t believe me.”


“No. The choir needs me.”


“Now Rita you are leading the choir this time.” The choir director said to the most powerful singer back stage as they were waiting for Esi.


“It will be fine. It’s not my first time doing this.” She said.


“Good. You have a strong voice but I want you to sing effortlessly this time. Use very little energy and surprise the people with your powerful range.”




“Peter, you never disappoint. It’s C we are singing.” He said to him. “I think we are ready now. Let’s wait till they call our names. “




They organized themselves and moved to the stage as soon as the presenter called them.


“When the people of God found themselves before the red sea, they discovered another nature of God.” Rita said, standing before the crowd, away from her team with a microphone. “Some people call him healer when he heals them. Some call him lover when they experience his love. Today, we have discovered another side of God, our father in heaven. He is the way maker. “Then she began singing Way Maker by Nigerian singer Sinatch.

" You are here moving in our midst. I worship you. I worship you. You are here moving in our midst, I worship you. I worship you. Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness. My God that is who you are. You wipe away all tears. You mend the broken hearts. You’re the answer to it all. Jesus.”


The choir then joined her. “Way maker, miracle worker, promise keeper, light in the darkness, my God that is who you are.”


Esi was on time. She announced herself with a thumbs up as they were singing. That’s when she noticed her family. Her sister was sitting in the crowd. And so was her mother and father. How exciting! The crowd look delighted after their performance. There was applauds lasting more than ten minutes after they performed.


“You must be his mother.” Esi said to a woman she saw backstage talking to Peter.


 “Yes. He is my son.” Esi said. “Thank you. Ever since he got involved in your project, his life has changed.”


“Oh don’t mention it.”  She said, shaking the woman. “Nice meeting you Madame.”


“My name is Hannah.” The woman replied.


 “Okay, Mrs. Hannah. My father is probably in search of me. I’ll meet you some other time.”


“I should thank him for helping my son. Can I meet him?”


“Sure. This way.”


The woman followed Esi outside. As soon as she saw her father, she stopped.


“Don’t you want to see him?”  


“God forbid. “Hannah said to Esi. “How did a good woman like come from someone like him?”


 “What do you mean? That’s my father.”


“It’s okay, my daughter. Let me have a word with her privately.”


“Fine.” Esi replied.   Then she disappeared.


“I can’t believe it’s you, Hannah. After all these years.”


“You adopted that lady, didn’t you?”    


“Esi is my biological daughter.” He said.  “Is she why you are here?”


“I shouldn’t have asked to see her father. If only I knew you were the same man who raised her to be kind enough to Peter. “


“Who is Peter?”


 “Someone who exists because I refused to listen to you.”


“My son?”


“How many mothers do you think will kill a baby for a man who is already married? Of course, your son.”


What a shock! Mr. Forson requested a DNA test instantly.  And it confirmed. Peter was not just a ghetto boy he knew; he was his son.


Praise warriors was in the news again days after.  A picture of Rita, leader singer of Ghetto choir was seen on television. Next to her was a picture of a man charged with rape who was also a member of the choir.

 “Anyone with information about him should please contact the police immediately.” The journalist on television, requested.


“What do we do now?” Esi asked Sheila in her house. “That is Rita’s brother. We look bad now. Really bad.”


“You will have to get a new lead vocalist.” Rita said to the choir as soon as she saw the news. “My brother didn’t assault anyone. I need to see him.” In a hurry, she took off.


“Who can replace her on time?” Looking at his singers, Peter asked.  But there was no reply.  This is the point Esi showed up.


“We did everything possible. “The choir director said to her. “But blood is thicker than water.”


“What do we do now?”  Everyone asked Esi. “We could be called up stage any moment from now.”


 “If only she would do it.” Esi said after moving left and right in search of ideas.


“You mean you know someone who can replace her?”


“She is the only person I can think of now.” She said to Peter. “The problem is I don’t know if she is free to do it.”


“There is no harm in trying.”


“Audrey.” Esi said to her when she picked up her call.  “Where are you?”


“The real question is," where are you."?” Audrey answered her. “I’ve been in the auditorium all day watching choir after choir. Where are you guys?’


 “Do you think you can pull the Jesus syndrome off again?”


“Been a while but maybe I can do it. “


“Our next performance will be our final but we just lost our lead vocalist.  Can you meet us back stage?”


“Surprise” Audrey was already back stage. “What song are we singing?” 

She was giving a robe instantly. Before she knew it she was on stage with them. And their performance, brilliant. Song after song the different choirs battled until finally only two remained. The ghetto choir and lamp of Jesus. Something had to be done. So Lamp of Jesus sung another song. And like their other songs, when they were done, the noise of applause filled the auditorium. Now it was time for the final performance from the ghetto choir. Audrey looked at the singers behind her, then to the choir, then to Esi. Every one of them looked nervous.


“I’ve got this.” She whispered to them. Then she began, singing slowly. “Hear my cry oh God, attend unto my prayer. From the ends of the earth, will I cry unto thee. When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I. That higher than I.”


Then the choir joined. “Hear my cry oh God, attend unto my prayer. From the ends of the earth, will I cry unto thee. When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I. That is higher than I”.

Suddenly everyone in the room began to sing too. “Hear my cry oh God, attend unto my prayer. From the ends of the earth, will I cry unto thee. When my heart is overwhelmed, lead me to the rock that is higher than I. That is higher than I”



“I don’t know if it’s right for anyone to judge that performance.” One of the judges said, standing as soon as the choir was done. “Now that is what I call real.” He added. “I’ve never heard a choir sing that song that way before. I loved it.”


“You saw the reaction from the judges by my side.” Another said.  “We loved it.”


 “They’ve said it all.” Another said. “All I can say to you is heaven is watching you. And I hope people voted. All the best.”


“People of God, it’s time to separate the choir from the church singers.” It was the presenter. “I’d like the two choir groups to join me up on the stage. “The remaining choir joined her. “Here in my hands are the results” She continued. Will it be the Lamp of Jesus ministry or Ghetto Choir?


“Lamp of Jesus.” A portion of the crowd yelled.


“Ghetto choir!” The others disagreed.


Then the presenter opened her envelope. “Ladies and gentlemen, I give you your winner. Ghetto choir.”


“Yeaa!” The members of the winning choir couldn’t help but jump, run and scream. This choir continued their work till today. That is why this church was named after them. Do you have any other question now, my children?





The Lady in Rhombus Necklace

Finding your soul mate can seem like a task only possible in another life time , especially if you r heart is broken and there are triggers ...