Monday, January 7, 2019

A man without a god

In a morning out of mercy ,
He is awoken  from protection of his own.
He forgets his master
When men also reward his labour .
He makes laws against nature
To entertain his soul
 and to mock the brilliance of nature's rules .
There is no thirst of his
 that he has no power to quench.
There is no hunger of his that he cannot satisfy .

He is a man
Yet he was never made .
He is a man
Yet he is perfect in deeds .
He is a man
Yet he has no god.

But an orphan who has no father
 will soon discover his real father .
A man who knows no master
will find his superior .
A man who mocks nature will also be mocked.
How is a man a man if he has no god?

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

A question of existence

In the end, only one can know this.
How can I be this one when you were there before me ?
Enough with the mathematics,
Calculating numbers and their properties,
Imitating nature to dispute your power.
Only you can know this answer
And this will do for me.

Enough travelling to the east, west , South ,
Guarding my ambition with tyranny,
Reading historical records that make sense,
So I can understand how I have breath.
Only you can know the answer to this
And this will do for me

"Where was I when you formed this world?" You ask.
Oh judges of judges, permit me to answer you now with good reasons .
Can a man know the dimensions inside his body when his eyes are outside it?
Can a child truly know where he came from without the knowledge from his family?
Should I take my life that I may know how I became alive?
Your answer explains my ignorance as a philosopher.
I am because you are.
That is why I call you the "I am, that I am."
Your existence precedes anything I am or could be.

If I'm ever asked the creator of me,
I believe my senses could testify,
Isn't that your firmaments above me?
Isn't that your light shining above me?
Isn't that your birds singing praise hymns to you?
I am because you are
You existence precedes me
And this will do for me.

The Lady in Rhombus Necklace

Finding your soul mate can seem like a task only possible in another life time , especially if you r heart is broken and there are triggers ...